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Spanklin's Spanish Inqusition

Issue Date: Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003

Yesterday afternoon, whilst eating lunch, I was goofin around on the net and decided to go visit one of my favorite diaries. spanklin large and in charge. He had some information in his entry about questions that he had been put out by none other than peth.

Being relatively new to the scene, I of course followed the linky links to Peth�s entry after I read spanklin�s witty banter. She has format greatness.

I signed Spank�s guest book or comments page with a shy accepting of the challenge he issued to answer five of his quirky spanklified questions.

The information below was found in my guest book this morning.

Your delivery of five spanky questions as ordered.

1) If you could have any extraneous working bit of anatomy grafted to your body, what would it be? For an example: I would have nipples attached to my fingertips.
Answer: I think that I could do without the feathered wings of an angel or leathery wings of a bat. I am just about certain that I could make it just fine without a tail, but I may like to have an extra set of knees. They would come in handy with today�s compact cars. Oooh, and you could fold you legs up under the seat while on an airplane, foregoing that uncomfortable �pardon me� dance you do when your seat mate has to get up to use the john.

2) Can rocks smell?
Answer: I have smelled sulfurous rocks that smell like eggs, mica flaked rocks that smell like aluminum and igneous rock (granite) that smelled like the creek out behind my old neighborhood. But I believe you are asking if I think that rocks have the anthropomorphic capability to actually smell something else, a sense of smell. Well, no, I don�t think that rocks can actually smell, if they could it would be too heartbreaking to think about all of the millions of rocks trapped inside concrete and asphalt with no choice but to smell their little rocky neighbors for the whole of eternity. Beh.

3) What is Ya-Ya?
Answer: A Ya Ya is a sister, a friend, a mother, a lover, a daughter, a wife, a girlfriend, a co-worker or any one of millions of things that women can be and or do. Being a Ya Ya consists of being part of a network of strong women who (in our case) get together once a year to drink, smoke, dance, sing, laugh, yell, cry, squeal, perform synchronized swimming (hee!) and relax. In other words, it is a great excuse to screw off and get away for the weekend with your girlfriends. :)

4) Do scuffed knees make you think naughty thoughts?
Answer: They do now. Thankyouverymuch. I used to think of dirty or scuffed knees as a mark of playing hard as a kid. Getting grass stains on your shoes and accidentally scraping your knee while you are playing Kick the Can or Ghost In The Graveyard (not to be confused with that movie). Playing with your friends on a hot summer night� in Marietta, Georgia� in a total Beaver Cleaver neighborhood called Somerset� out behind the Carter�s house. Just me? Fine.

5) Favorite female question: How was your day?
Answer: Actually my day has been pretty good so far. Mister and I went to get our wedding license today. Bit of an adventure really. I lost my divorce papers. No silly, not the various correspondence that didn�t mean Jack squat. Just the one important page with the judge�s signature on it. Meh. So we went to the Dallas County Courthouse to get a copy. I DID have the cause number, thank goodness. Then we headed to the Collin County Clerk�s office to get the actually marriage license. Very cool. We�re gonna be all legally married n stuff.

So, that concludes my Spanklin�s Spanish Inquisition.

This was actually pretty darn fun!

Does anyone else have any questions?

For now�.

Have a great Tuesday!


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To understand this dear reward (above) at all, you must hie thee on and read gatsby�s grape ape entry and my comments.

And because of said comments he sent me my very own dream turtle in an email titled wee gift with these words attached, �my purple monkey is booked solid so i ordered you a tangerine turtle. hope he proves helpful.�

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