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Hallmark isn�t the devil after all.

Issue Date: Friday, Sept. 16, 2005

Ok, so this weekend Mister made me promise to not make any plans. Going on six weeks now we have had something major going on every weekend and apparently he�s had just about enough. I do not blame him one tee-tiny bit as it wears on me too. The constant go go go doesn�t give you a break from the work week. So� tonight? Dinner and a movie maybe? Or� something equally relaxing and pleasurable.

Can I tell you guys about something that happened this past weekend?

It was a big family weekend, my parents were in town staying with Mister and I for an event for Sunday� well, really we had a dinner on Friday, a small event Saturday morning for my nephew (new karate belt!), Mister and I did lunch/dinner for everyone on Saturday and then my niece got christened on Sunday and the lunch afterward� So it was a whole weekend deal with bunches of people.

Anyway� On Saturday Mister and I had the whole family over for lunch/dinner� (linner?) and I was in the kitchen while Mister and the men were manning the grill [Tim Allen�s man noise]. My brother in law came in and handed me a big white box and said, �The FedEx guy dropped this off.�

I looked at the box. It had my name on it. Mister had not mentioned that anything was supposed to be delivered to the house. So I put it on the kitchen table, got out my Henckels shears and opened the box.

Inside I found this� (click to enlarge) Sweet Gift

I sat there for a good minute and a half with my mouth agape (positively attractive no?), stunned at the sweetness and the absolute selflessness of Sheryl. The note attached referenced the honey included in the gift box and touched my heart so very much.

This Internet business is a funny thing ya�ll (thanks Bob Dole!). It gives me a place to put my thoughts my memories and my feelings. And it has fostered friendships over thousands of miles.

I actually do things that I never thought I would do. Like� oh, send cards to people that I have �met� on the Internet. How odd am I?

My mother, my grandmother(s) and my sister have all been dipped in the family pool that got the �correspondence� gene. I thought that I was missing that one. I was wrong. It just turned out that I needed to care about the people I was sending little notes too. Oh, and also get rid of that pesky need to make every note perfect and different.

Lord, Lord, I almost had a nervous wreck writing my thank you notes to my graduation gifts.

Hallmark isn�t the devil after all. Who knew?

Sheryl? Thank you so much for thinking of me when you have eleventy frillon other things to get to in a day. A husband, three beautiful children (two in school), a dog, a new home and all that comes with the toughest job in the world, motherhood. You are a beautifully talented woman who gives me new ideas on crafts, how to handle life and even do it with charm and wit on a constant basis and I applaud you.

Thank you for the gift.


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To understand this dear reward (above) at all, you must hie thee on and read gatsby�s grape ape entry and my comments.

And because of said comments he sent me my very own dream turtle in an email titled wee gift with these words attached, �my purple monkey is booked solid so i ordered you a tangerine turtle. hope he proves helpful.�

The Graphic Below Courtesy of Papernapkin.

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