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It was a very surreal experience, almost synesthetic in nature.

Issue Date: Friday, Aug. 12, 2005

I was looking [read: transfixed by] some pictures over at monkey0�s picture site located here at monkeywatching.

It was a very surreal experience, almost synesthetic in nature. As I scanned through the images� faces, nature, snapshots from someone else�s life, several thoughts occurred in my tiny uncreative brain simultaneously:

Number one. I SO need a new camera.

Number two. I wish I could pour my emotions onto film like that.

Number three. A picture is worth a thousand words. And in this case� then some.

Number four. man: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
woman: Will he offer me his mouth?
man: Yes�
woman: Will he offer me his teeth?
man: Yes�
woman: Will he offer me his jaws?
man: Yes�
woman: Will he offer me his hunger?
man: Yes�
woman: [strongly] Again! will he offer me his hunger?
man: [strongly] Yes!
woman: And will he starve without me?
man: Yes!
woman: And does he love me?
man: [softly] Yes.
woman: [softly] Yes.
man: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
woman: Yes.
man: [sarcastically] I bet you to say that to all the boys.

Images of foggy nights, cherry trees blossoming in the bright Japanese sun, a large metallic giant that you know the moment you turn your back� red eyes will flicker dully beneath the three inches of metal to register your vitals and whether you are enemy or merely fodder for stomping, Harijuku fashionistas and their brethren and calm treed canopies in misty mornings viewed from a balcony seemingly so peaceful it makes me want to take up coffee drinking and wearing fleece.

So if you have a few hours to spend. Might I suggest�.?


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To understand this dear reward (above) at all, you must hie thee on and read gatsby�s grape ape entry and my comments.

And because of said comments he sent me my very own dream turtle in an email titled wee gift with these words attached, �my purple monkey is booked solid so i ordered you a tangerine turtle. hope he proves helpful.�

The Graphic Below Courtesy of Papernapkin.

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