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Today is National De-Lurking day!

Issue Date: Wednesday, Jan. 05, 2005

Hi, you there. Yeah, you� with the clown shoes and.. um� the� face� Yeah, you.

Why won�t you comment?

Do you want to make me cry?

Well? DO YOU?


Sorry. I must apologize for that. You see, today is De-Lurking day as decreed by Papernapkin. Sheryl said so dammit.

So very distraught.


Ya see� comments are like crack. Most journalers, or diary-istststs (whatever�) check their stats� (yes, we can do that yanno� yes, just as often as we can misuse parentheses and punctuation) and we see that you have come by. We see that you have perused through our little slice o� heaven or� little slice o� crazy� and we know who finds us through Googling terms like �spank my butt� or �broken hamster pinky toe� (!?) and we know that you are here.

We know that you come back. We know which page is your favorite.

We know when you search our journals to find that one entry that made you laugh� or that one that made you cry. Or one that made you mad� because I voted Republican (Hi FredAlan and Erica.. hey Erica? Miss you girl�) But we know, we do, so why don�t you drop us a little note to say, �Hey Sue, I stopped by today and read your little entry. It really didn�t do much for me, but eh, to each his or her own.� Or even, �Yanno, Sue, that one, got me right here. I�ll pour out a 40 when I get home for ya girl!�

Or whatever.

Tell me you love me, tell me I suck. Tell me that you�ve felt that way too.

Just say something.

Just for today will ya?

By the way. Happy New Year!


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Please switch to the site. - Friday, May. 23, 2008

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C'mon y'all - Friday, Feb. 22, 2008

C'Mon! - Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008

- - Friday, Dec. 28, 2007

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To understand this dear reward (above) at all, you must hie thee on and read gatsby�s grape ape entry and my comments.

And because of said comments he sent me my very own dream turtle in an email titled wee gift with these words attached, �my purple monkey is booked solid so i ordered you a tangerine turtle. hope he proves helpful.�

The Graphic Below Courtesy of Papernapkin.

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